You are currently browsing the monthly archive for maj 2009.

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Jeg fandt et interessant udsagn i en bog jeg har liggende. Prøv at gætte, hvornår det er fra.

Beneath the rhetoric and fanfare of the [xxxx] presidential campaign lies an important message about the future of democracy. The message is the media.

This is an old message with a new twist. In [xxxx] the media continue to play a central role – according to some the central role – in presidential selection. But for the first time, a dazzling array of new communication technologies […] have moved off the showroom shelves and onto the campaign trail. Traditional broadcast media and newspapers continue to dominate political communication, but candidates have learned that they ignore the new media arsenal only at their peril.

Jeg synes, det er et udsagn, som minder utroligt meget om udsagn, vi hører den dag i dag, men prøv at gætte, hvornår det er fra. Svaret findes her.